Monday, February 4, 2013

The psychology of shoes: What women’s shoes say about them

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Some people judge women based on their footwear. For instance, one look at the feet of a lady in Prada heels can give an idea of her affluent lifestyle and modish personality.

But the Journal of Research in Personality says that there’s more to lifestyle and personality that people judge based on women’s shoes:

Women who are clingy and insecure tend to choose new-looking or well-kept shoes. This could be because they care more about what other people say.

Practical and functional shoes belong to agreeable women. These women are more likely to follow convention. They could be working in a company or organization where sociability and courteousness are important.

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Ankle boots belong to women with more aggressive personality. Ankle boots are attention-grabbing so timid women prefer not to wear them so as not to bring attention to themselves.

Uncomfortable shoes are usually worn by women with calm personalities. Women who wear uncomfortable shoes are innately cool so they do not fuss much about what others will think.

Liberal women wear less expensive shoes. This group of women includes the hippies who advocate simple living, and the environmentalists who love to recycle and reuse old things.

Women who tend to wear dull shoes have a harder time forming new relationships. It is believed that women who wear boring shoes have a boring personality.

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Get to know more about Liz Rehnke and her wide collection of shoes here.